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Things You Must Be Doing To Create A Happy Workplace

Sean Kelly
Sean Kelly

Would you believe me if I told you that the happier your employees are, the more successful your company will be?

It may sound like the definition of a “Care Bear” management style, but study after study has shown that employee happiness has a direct correlation to your bottom-line, what is intranets.

Consider this:

Companies with happy employees outperform the competition by 20%, and happy salespeople close 37% more sales.

It’s hard to ignore those numbers.

Ok, I know you’re probably thinking, That’s great, Sean, but can I really create a happier work environment for my team without breaking my back?

Well, today you’re in luck, because I’m not only here to tell you that yes, you absolutely can, but I’m also about to share with you my list of the top seven things you absolutely must be doing in order to create a happier, more productive workplace.

1) Consistently Deliver Praise and Recognition

Did you know that feeling unappreciated is the #1 reason why Americans quit their jobs? It’s true.

So what can you do to ensure your team is being consistently recognized for their hard work?

Create a system that makes it easy.

At SnackNation, we hold a “Crush It Call” every Friday. It goes like this: our entire team gathers around in a circle and we go around the room calling out someone whose work we want to recognize (i.e. “someone who “crushed it” that week).

You can also create a monthly or quarterly award for the team member who most embodies your core values. Brand it with something inspiring to communicate the intent behind the award (for instance, at SnackNation, the entire team votes every month to name the “Value Victor”).

I also highly encourage impromptu praise. Send out an email to the company when you notice someone going above and beyond, or give it a personal touch by writing them a handwritten note. The unexpectedness of the gesture will give it greater impact.

In my opinion, you can never, ever underestimate the power of a handwritten note (especially when sent to your employee’s home).

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